- Please note that physical contact during dance may occur during lessons, although we obviously attempt to keep this to a minimum.
- First class (one discipline) is free for new students of the school. By the 3rd week a full terms fee is required pro-rata for the duration of the term.
- All fee’s are payable termly in advance at the first lesson of a new term for the total of all applied disciplines. We accept cheque, cash or Bank Transfer.
- Late fees will incur a charge of 10% with any relevant discounts being revoked.
- There is 25% discount off a 3rd termly class in core disciplines.
- Please see other special promotions for discounts on the board at certain times. They may only be relevant periodically and are subject to change without notice.
- Pupils will be asked to leave the class if they do not come in suitable clothing with hair tied back appropriately. Fees will NOT be refunded if children are not suitably dressed for the school and asked to leave.
- Within 4 weeks of enrolment correct attire should be purchased and worn at all times.
- Parents are responsible for getting their children to school on time. Pupils will not leave the school unless they have a representative. Please let us know if anyone else will be picking them up and please be punctual.
- No chewing gum or food in the class. Please eat prior.
- Please turn off any mobile phones when entering the school.
- Any personal holidays or illness during term time will not be refunded.
- We will not tolerate bullying, racism, threatening or anti-sociable behavior. Parents, students or families will be asked to leave the class immediately without notice, (maybe permanently depending on severity) without refund and the police maybe informed should the teacher feel it necessitates such a step.
- From time to time at certain events students may perform without the supervision of a teacher, where another parent / guardian will be responsible for their wellbeing.
- Under no circumstances may pupils perform at another event or for another dance school without written consent of Emma Castle. If you are asked to perform at school, weddings, parties, events, you must clear it with Emma Castle Performing Arts first as you are a pupil representing the name of the school. This may constitute loss of earnings and further action maybe taken to compensate this.
- In signing the above you agree that Emma Castle is acting as sole agent in the performance industry. She may find, negotiate and organize any paid work, which will entitle Emma Castle Performing Arts to one third of any payment made to the pupil or group containing the pupil listed.
- After the first term we accept 1 (one) term written notice for any pupils who may wish to leave the school for any reason. The fees for the following course must be paid in full for each discipline. Further action will be taken against anyone not giving full notice.
- You are accepting that dance is a physical activity and agree to indemnify Emma Castle Performing Arts to any injury that may occur during the lessons however caused.
- On agreeing to partake in show work you agree to represent the school up to and including the final performance. Any monies paid are non refundable and non-participation will class as breach of contract to which further action maybe taken. Breaching the show contract forfeits your right to any part of the show package that comes with it.
- Please do not bring valuables into the class. We cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of personal material.
- You are agreeing to receive occasional related information by letter, text, phone or email related to classes, promotional material and special offers related to the school. Your details will never be sold to third parties.
- Within invitational classes (such as Stage Class) there is an element of commitment and dedication expected.
- We operate a 3 strike rule which applies to all students under the administration of the teacher whose decision is final. This may mean forfeiting termly paid fees, which are non-returnable.
- Please inform us at time of payment for any discounts / deductions you may be eligible for as these cannot be refunded at a later date.
- Parents are not permitted while classes are in progress
- As part of training, pre-registered or student teachers will sometimes take a whole or part of a class. Teaching assistants may also help with teacher’s instruction.
- This agreement is on-going without end whilst fees continue to be paid. It may be updated / amended by addendum at any time without notice, but changes will be made public for 4 weeks on the notice board. We cannot be held responsible if you do not check the board.
- For full GDPR compliancy please visit our policy on our website which includes our Terms and Conditions.
− All staff, parents and students are responsible for ensuring this procedure is followed
− The welfare of ECPA students, staff and parents is paramount
− It is the role of every ECPA staff, student and parent to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19
ECPA is committed to following the advice of the UK Government, WHO, NHS and Public Health England
We ask that you are prompt with given timings for drop off and pick up to avoid crossing and close proximity contact with others. Please adhere to timings on the timetable.
No parents will be allowed into the school. Age appropriately, please ensure that they are dropped off at a convenient and safe place outside. They should enter the school through the main front door which will be opened and welcomed by a teacher and ensure they sanitise immediately upon arrival where they may also have their temperature checked (if you are able to do this pre-arrival this would be an extra deterrent).
Please ensure that you remain in your car and maintain social distancing measures. If you are waiting for your child to finish, there is no waiting within the school. We ask that you move your car away from the drop off area outside the school so as other children maybe dropped off easier. You should then have space to return and pickup at your allocated time.
You may wait at the side (left hand side) of the school where we will erect some weatherproof cover. We ask for only 1 parent per household and everyone to maintain a separation distance of 1+ metres from each other, all of our staff and other children.
If possible, students should arrive by walking, cycling or by private car. If public transport is necessary, please sanitise before arrival.
Where possible please change at school or in the car to avoid social areas becoming busy within the school. Only bring essential bags into class and leave other items in the car.
We will not be adhering to usual uniform per class, but the correct shoes are required. However, students may do jazz in a ballet uniform for example to stop excess baggage on site (but must still be the ECPA uniform).
Staff members on site must ensure there is disinfectant spray/wipes before every session, or contact Emma to source some.
All staff must immediately sanitise or wash their hands for the prescribed 20 second period upon arrival on site.
All staff then must use disinfectant spray/wipes to clean any high contact points, including (but not limited to):
• Door Handles
• Sinks, Taps and common items
• Equipment used in class
All high contact points in the reception and kitchen must be disinfected at the beginning and end of each day. These include (but are not limited to):
• Computers (keyboards, mouse and power/screen buttons)
• Kettle and refreshment equipment
• Door handles
• Keys
• Filing cabinets
• Sofa
All staff must check the quantity of soap and paper towels in bathrooms and contact Emma if supplies are low.
All staff must ensure the prominent display of hygiene posters (“catch it, kill it, bin it” and hand washing diagrams).
Upon arrival on site, all staff must ask all students or guests to wash their hands or sanitise.
All staff must wash their hands at regular intervals, no less than between each class or student group.
All staff must wash their hands before/after eating if they need a break during classes.
Staff will be asked to bring a full water bottle with their name clearly marked, enough for their class however, if they need a refill all staff must wash their hands before/after when refilling water bottles for themselves or students. They maybe left near to their designated space at the side of class.
Between each class all staff must again use disinfectant spray/wipes to clean any high contact points, including (but not limited to):
• Door Handles
• Sinks & Taps
• Equipment used in class
All staff are expected to follow other NHS guidelines to avoid spreading the virus including reporting any potential symptoms/confirmed diagnoses to Emma as a matter of urgency.
All students are asked to sanitise immediately on arrival.
Students will be asked to leave any required bags in Studio 2 on a designated space where they may change if required. Only 6 people at any time will be allowed in Studio 2 however they must ensure that they are social distancing from others getting changed.
No loitering in common areas. Once arrived in class, everyone should make their way to their designated space on the dance floor.
No hugging teachers or each other in class. Please do not attempt to touch teachers or each other.
Toilets are unisex and have a lock on the main door so as only 1 person may enter the toilet at a time. Please refrain from changing in the toilets.
If you have a question raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged. Do not shout out in class. If an emergency please try to attract the attention of a teacher before leaving the class by the safest most distanced route.
Classes will be split by a screen to ensure safe bubbles. You will be asked to remain in your own bubbles weekly where possible. Please do not enter other bubbles.
Water bottles should be named and taken into the room with you. They are to be left as near to your square as possible on the outside of the studio. No drinks will be available to anyone without their own bottle. Any medical necessities can also be left there.
No food should be brought into the school for consumption except for medical requirements.
Where possible we give parents an allotted collection time which should be promptly followed. If you are running late please Whatsapp Emma and a responsible person will supervise your child in a safe place for collection (which may be outside depending on following class sizes).
Parents are asked to maintain social distancing of 1+ metres from each other. We have arrangements in place to assist customers to do this. Collection will be from the left side of the main hall down the pathway and NOT at the front door. There will be an arrival and exit 1-way system in place.
We ask all our parents and children to avoid direct contact with our staff. We understand that for younger age groups this is a challenging requirement.
Please be aware of social distancing signage.
Government Guidelines state that social distancing measures of 1m are to be implemented and 2m where possible. Below are the procedures we will put in place and are to be followed at ECPA premises:
• One-way system for entrance and exit of premises.
• When in class, please remain to the centre of your designated floor marked bubble.
• No parents allowed in the premises unless a prior agreement has been made. Parents must drop their child off outside the front doors and pick up from the left side of the main building by the main hall
• Only one person allowed in the kitchen at any one time
• Only one person allowed in each toilet cubical at any one time. When queuing for the toilet, stickers will be placed 1m apart for students and teachers to follow.
All classes will have a limit of 15 students per area. These students will have their own space to use by marking out individual spaces.
Teachers are asked not to conduct any exercises that encourages touch between students. This includes (but not limited to):
• When travelling across the floor (i.e. hand holding)
• Choreography that includes partner work
• Dance games/direction involving physical contact
Teachers must use space thoughtfully, spreading children for exercises across the space as much as possible.
We will expand these protocols when deemed fit by government bodies and will adapt our teaching techniques to adapt to these new measures.
Parents will be asked to accompany baby ballet students into the class. One parent per family may come into the classroom with their child. Parents must adhere to social distancing and remain in the designated marked area. Parents will be asked to take temperature readings and to ensure they follow the same procedures applicable to students. Parents will be responsible for toilet sessions and ushering their children into the correct areas. And yes, you will be asked to join in from time to time!
Teacher training will follow government guidelines which will include:
- Only 6 people per group
- Chairs to be kept at least 1m apart
- All other elements of the ECPA Covid-19 policy will be implemented
- Trainee teachers will be briefed on the Covid-19 policy and updated H&S procedures in first lesson to ensure they are aware and have a full understanding
Each teacher has will be asked to sign acknowledgement of their understanding of ECPA Covid-19 practices and procedures.
Feel free to contact us at any time by Whatsapp or by direct call. We will attempt to look at messages between classes for emergencies but may not be able to respond until later if non urgent
We strongly encourage all staff and students to follow these guidelines from the World Health Organisation on infection control, both whilst at work and in their daily lives. This includes:
• frequently cleaning their hands by using hand sanitiser or soap and water
• when coughing and sneezing, covering mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue, throwing this tissue away immediately and washing their hands
• avoiding close contact with anyone who has fever, cough or lack of taste and smell.
We will be advising the following guidelines to limit infection within ECPA:
No physical contact between students, teachers and parents such as hand-shakes, high 5’s or hugs etc
We will be increasing ventilation by keeping doors and windows open where possible, but please do not access the building.
We will be putting in place the following control measures to further limit the risk of infection between staff and students:
• Hand sanitiser to be placed at each entrance and exit of the premises
• Soap to be refilled frequently in each toilet and kitchen to ensure frequent washing of hands can take place
• No food to be allowed on site to limit cross contamination
• Each student and teacher are to bring their own named water bottles. These are to ideally be full enough for their class to limit refilling
• Teachers to bring and only use their own laptops, pens and paper for the duration of the class or teacher training
• Doors will be kept open where possible to limit people touching surfaces and help ventilation
• PPE such as face masks and gloves will be required to be used when providing first aid.
• At the moment the guidance is mandatory to wear facemasks in supermarkets and shops. Due to the nature of dance, government suggest not wearing a mask while exercising at present. However, if a teacher or student feels uncomfortable not wearing one, they are welcome to do so understanding that it has been stated that it maybe more dangerous to do so while carrying out exercise.
• If tea and coffee are made, they will be made by one person alone. That person will wash their hands prior and after to making it.
• Bags should only be brought in if entirely necessary